By Guest on Monday, 20 February 2023
Category: Uncategorized

Celebrating Pet Dental Health Month: How to Keep Your Furry Friends' Teeth Healthy

February is Pet Dental Health Month, and at Orting Animal Hospital, we are excited to celebrate this important month dedicated to promoting oral health in our furry friends. Oral health is often overlooked in pets, but it is just as essential as other aspects of their well-being. Dental problems can cause a lot of pain, discomfort, and even lead to serious health issues. In this article, we will discuss why pet dental health is crucial, common dental problems in pets, and tips for maintaining good oral health.

Why Pet Dental Health is Crucial:

Just like us, pets can experience dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and infections. Dental problems can be very painful and affect their ability to eat, play, and socialize. Left untreated, dental issues can also lead to other health problems, such as heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can prevent these problems and promote overall health.


Common Dental Problems in Pets


Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Health

Here are some tips to help maintain good oral health in your pets:



Pet Dental Health Month is a great reminder of the importance of oral health in our furry friends. At Orting Animal Hospital, we encourage pet owners to schedule regular dental checkups, practice good dental hygiene, and provide their pets with a healthy diet and regular cleaning. By taking care of your pet's oral health, you can ensure that they lead a happy and healthy life. Call now if your furry friend is due for a dental appointment!


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